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Five minutes of wellness for busy professionals

  • 22 Steps


Keep your body and mind healthy. Learn how to reduce negative effects from modern life. Welcome to The Office Yogi’s Guide. In this course, you will learn easy to follow and adapt in your work and private lives ways to keep your body and mind healthy and stress-free. We will first look at the negative effects of a sedentary lifestyle. We will identify the negative habits that developed through the years. Also will look at the benefits of changing negative habits into positive ones. Then we will learn easy tools totally accessible even to the busiest schedule. With this course, time will be no more an issue. Why choose this course? -To manage your physical and mental health with easy-to-follow steps. -To build a self-care routine -To be more focused and productive. -To increase creativity. -To improve quality of life. -To help with lower back pain. -To improve mood. What you will learn: *To identify negative habits from modern or sedentary life. *Simple yoga adapted exercises to keep your neck, shoulders, back, spine, and hips healthy and pain free. *Eye exercises to keep your eyes healthy *3 Breathing exercises to improve your health and wellbeing. *How to stand and sit in a supportive way *Hand gestures used from thousands of years for focus, clarity, and enhancing intellectual capacity *Free PDF eBook you can check on the go and Wellness Plan

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What are the chakras, where they are situated and what are their functions
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Chakras are a major part of our energetic DNA or our subtle body. There are few translations for the word chakra from Sanskrit, with the most widely accepted like “spinning wheels or vortexes”. The chakras name describes accurately how their spin like a wheel.

They are situated within our subtle energy body and we have many chakras apart from the seven chakras which are like junctions between the energy pathways we call nadis.


Furthermore, we can separate the chakras more generally like minor and major. Major could be those on our feet or hands for example. Similar is with the nadis, or energy pathways, we have many of them some say 72 000, some more than 300 000. However, there are three main nadis, Ida, Pingala and Sushumna (situated on the spinal column within our energy field, which the physical body is part of) and they relate to the seven main chakras.


Ida(representing the female energy) and Pingala (representing the male energy) are starting at the base chakras crossing each other on each chakra till they reach the 6 Th chakra or the 3td eye and finish

there. Therefore, the 7 Major chakras are like junctions for the main nadis Ida and Pingala

and are also situated on the spinal column within our energy field. Sushumna starts at the

base chakra and once active fully it passes through all 7 Chakras.

As we go through our life you can think about the chakras as learning our life lessons, that’s

why their function is to take in energies, process them and give them out, helping us to grow

and evolve. yes, the chakras are our lessons.

Ideally, chakras should be balanced and even, however depending on what we are going

through and how we are dealing with it, they can be overactive( or spinning too fast) or

underactive ( spinning too slow, or low flow of energy). They can also go through a major

transformations or be blocked to some extent or even traumatized.

Base or Root Chakra Muladhara
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As we all know foundation is important. When we build a house to have a strong and lasting

structure, we need a strong foundation. The same thing applies to our energy bodies and the

Base chakra. The root is located at the base of the spinal cord, vibrating with the colour red, Muladhara is our foundation from which we build up and grow and expand we need to be firmly grounded in our roots.

The root chakra is connected with the element earth and is related to our feeling of safety and security, whether it is physical regarding our bodily needs or metaphorical regarding housing and financial safety. The spiritual energy is rising from Muladhara chakra up the energy body to the upper chakras. Also, in our root chakra, the earth element has its seat, which provides our energetic foundation too. It relates to the sense of smell, Beja Mantra Lam, has 4 petals.

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Corresponds to the Adrenals glands (some say Gonads). On physical level the root chakra corresponds with the legs, feet, spinal columns, colon, kidneys, and solid parts like the bones, teeth, and nails. The Muladhara chakra also governs your auto-immune system and generative tendencies.

Balanced root chakra muladhara

When balanced we are stable, grounded, and feel secure. When the base chakra is balanced we are full of life force and vitality When negative feeling insecure, greedy, even violent, self-

centred, excessive materialism. Malfunctions of the first chakra could be spinal problems

(especially lower spine), obesity, colitis, knee problems, arthritis, ME, headaches (or

anything to do with being ungrounded).

Sacral chakra or Swadhistana
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This energy center is one of the lower chakras in the human body and is really important to reach a higher spiritual connection.Is located around two inches below the navel. Even still a lower chakra pushing us to the external world is a powerful centre. The element is water and relates to the sense of taste

and the emotional/astral body. The colour is orange and connected with the Gonads glands

(some say Adrenal). The beja Mantra for the sacral chakra is VAM.


On a physical level, Swadhistana governs reproductive organs, kidneys, bladder, urinary tract, appendix, and skin, sexual organs. Also, could relate to the lower vertebra, pelvis, hip area, and water-related like salvia and mucus.

Functions of the sacral chakra are protection, pleasure, sexuality, creativity, desire, and flow. With the water element, Sacral chakra seeks to create and when creative energy was not birthed could lead to problems in our reproductive organs, sexual problems, bladder, skin related allergies.

Balanced Swadhistana chakra

When the sacral chakra is balanced, we have healthy relationships. When negative overindulgence, jealousy, envy, fears of rape, financial loss, for not being able to take care of yourself.

Solar plexus or Manipura Chakra
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The seat of the Sun within! -that is how I think about the solar plexus chakra or Manipura . It

is a profound centre governing the Agni or Digestive Fire which in self is important for our

health and longevity. Solar Plexus chakra is in the solar plexus area (upper part of the belly,where your diaphragm rests); it is the third chakra located in the subtle body from the bottom in the traditional system counting the seven main chakras. The colour is Yellow (higher frequencies of this chakra can turn into golden yellow).

The element of this energy center is Fire and the Beja mantra is Ram with emphasis on the R.Intricately connected to the digestive system, its main function is to help transform matter into energy to fuel your body. It governs metabolism and is commonly associated with the pancreas, as well the stomach, liver, gall bladder, nervous system, and muscles. Qualities of Manipura chakra is authority, self-control, warmth, radiance, laughter, energy, and self-esteem.

In addition, on the negative plane being judgmental, overly intellectual, overly perfectionist,anger, fear, too controlling, lack confidence, low self-esteem, powerlessness, and muscle spasms. When the Solar plexus chakra is blocked under-active we have low self-worth.

Functions of the Solar plexus chakra are an expression of will, ego, personal power, the seat ofthe Ego. Also, as it corresponds to the Lower mental body other functions could be intellectual abilities. Some of the malfunctions are ulcers, stomach problems, diabetes, and eating disorders.

Healthy Solar plexus chakra

A healthy fire element is a key to maintaining physical homeostasis. All our body process involves burning nutrients to create energy and generate heat. Emotionally

maintaining a well-balanced fire element is important and hence solar plexus chakra is key to

empowered us to have the courage to face life's challenges and not be afraid of taking

responsibility for our actions. And look after our human body as food and the relationship with we have is equally important for our mental health as well as our spiritual health.

Heart Chakra or Anahata

Not that we can say one chakra is more important than the other and has its own distinct properties, but still the anahata chakra plays an important role as a bridge between the lower three and upper three energy centres. The heart chakra is located at the centre of the chest and it translates the higher vibration from the upper three into grosser and denser forms. The heart chakra is the seat of our love and compassion. The colour is green (even though sometimes is observed pink and gold) and Beja Mantra is YAM.

In the physical body, the heart chakra governs respiration and circulation, arms, and hands, where some of the malfunctions are the heart and circulatory problems, high blood pressure, thymus gland.

Negative Heart center
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When negative blocking of love, overly critical, grief, indifference, sadness without obvious reason. In addition, qualities of the Anahata chakra are compassion, unconditional love, joy, balance, and contentment with the main function of unconditional love.

The heart chakra also relates to the relationship with ourselves, unlike the Sacral chakra relates to external relationships, we have with people.

Tip: the heart chakra can be balanced when we are in nature surrounded by green. Yoga poses that are good are the Modified fish pose and camel pose.
Throat Chakra or Vishudi

The throat chakra is our communication centre. Is our ability to speak our truth and express

ourselves freely. When balanced speech is clear and the right words are just flowing, it

might be we are speaking too much or lying. It is located at the base of the throat at the front

and the back is a bit higher.

Its usual colour is blue, and it resonates with the thyroid and

parathyroid glands. The element of the throat chakra is ether or space (vessel in which all

the other elements exist).

Key Charecteristics of the Throat chakra

A a key characteristic of this element is sound and hearing. As well as the physical speech,your inner voice springs from your throat chakra, as does the ability to listen deeply.Reflection on the throat chakra brings a realisation of the importance and power of words,their correct use and the possible negative effects of their corruption and manipulation. On physical level resonates with the throat, neck, ears, shoulders, voice, jaws, mouth, and lungs.Blocked throat chakra can manifest as thyroid problems, supress identity among others, inability to express oneself.

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Qualities of the throat chakra creative expression in speech, writing, integration, honesty,

reliability, loyalty, and the power of sound and silence. When negative problems with

communication, unwise use of knowledge, lack of discernment, ignorance. Malfunctions

thyroid problems, ear, neck, and throat problems(laryngitis), and swollen glands. Relates to

Casual/intuitional body. The main functions are communication and higher creativity.

TIP: The Fifth chakra can be influenced positevly with singing, acting and other activities which helps self expression which can also help self esteem and influnced positevly the manipura chakra and both are great for emotional health.
Third Eye (Ajna) chakra

The third eye chakra is probably most famous, compared to the other chakras. It’s located between the eyebrows (or sometimes slightly higher). The Ajna chakra corresponds to the Pineal gland (some say Pituitary). The colour of the brow chakra is midnight blue or indigo. The Beja (or seat mantra) is OM.

The function of the third eye chakra is driven by the principle of openness and imagination. The most common Sanskrit name for the Third eye chakra is “Ajna”, which means “command” and “perceiving”. The main functions are seeing and intuition.


The third eye chakra or the seat of wisdom


The ajna chakra is not only the seat of wisdom but also a seat of conscience. This is where you not only see what is going on, but you also know what it means. This is where your sense of justice and your ethics originate. Ajna chakra relates to light and intuition. On a physical level relates to the left eye, lower brain, nose and nervous system.

Negative Sixth chakra

When negative can occur lack of concentration, cynicism, to be overly detached from the world and fear. Some of the malfunctions could be headaches, blindness/eye problems, nightmares.

This is the chakra of intuition, wisdom and our sixth sense. It is the spiritual centre, which

interacts with the rational mind to deepen our intuitive insight to see beyond the veil of

the illusion that is called “Maya.”

The third eye holds a unique combination of qualities like imagination, visualisation, vision,

concentration, wisdom, insight. When we fully connect with the power from within the Ajna,

we retain mental clarity and can see beyond the mind and all its desires, longings, worries,

fears, and judgment. We then enter the realms of knowledge, wisdom, and intuition.


The Crown Chakra
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The crown chakra relates to the Divine body, pure consciousness and thought cosmic energy and knowing. The Crown chakra is located on the crown of the head and is the Gateway to Divine or spiritual connection or cosmic consciousness and becoming one with everything. The qualities of the crown chakra are Divine wisdom, to perceive beyond space and time, selfless service, and continuity of consciousness. The Sanskrit name of the Crown charka is Sahasrara. Meditative exercises are great for the Sahasrara chakra as well as some breathing exercises and it is the highest chakra of the seven main chakras.


Unbalanced Crown chakra

When negative lack of inspiration, confusion, depression, lack of purpose, hesitation toserve. Some of the malfunctions that could develop are depression, migraines, and psychotic.

Sahasrara is located at the crown of the head. When functioning properly the gift of this chakra is experiencing unity and the selfless realization that everything is connected at a fundamental level. The energy of this chakra allows us to experience mystical oneness with everyone and everything in nature. On a physical level corresponds to the Pituitary gland, with right eye and upper brain with the colour’s violet, white or gold.

Tip: Tree pose is good for both the muladhara chakra located at the base of the spinal cord and crown chakra. For the crown chakra let the energy flows at the top of the head and visualise a thousand petal lotus flower and let the inner wisdom wash over you.
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